documentary photography

Kodaikanal Living: The Pink House on the Hill

Perched on a hillside in Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, this pink house stands out against the lush greenery that surrounds it. A local woman goes about her daily chores, tending to her home with quiet diligence. Captured from above, the scene offers a glimpse into everyday life in this South Indian hill town.

Kodaikanal, often called the 'Princess of Hill Stations,' is known for its misty landscapes, scenic lakes, and vibrant local culture. This photograph encapsulates a moment of routine in an extraordinary setting. The rusted tin roof tells stories of years gone by, while the bright blue windows and railings contrast sharply with the warm pink walls. Clothes dry in the sun, water barrels line the side of the house, and life moves at its own steady pace. I stayed in Kodaikanal for almost two weeks towards the end of my six month trip around India. I stayed in the Zostel Kodaikanal which was a great Hostel with excellent staff, I also met some great travellers from India. I joined them on a great road trip to the awesome Zostel Poombarai and we had a lot of fun en route!

The above images were captured on the Canon 5D Mark IV with my go-to-lens, the 50mm f/1.4 lens, the image balances sharp detail with soft natural light. The perspective from above not only highlights the home but also its integration into the surrounding environment, reinforcing the idea that home is more than just a structure—it's a lived experience. Take a look through the slideshow below for some more of my photography from Kodaikanal, I loved that town, it was a definite highlight of my trip around India:

For more of my photography from India, check out my India Flickr album or browse my Getty Images collection. All of my travel images from India are available for sale.

#Kodaikanal #IndiaPhotography #TravelPhotography #HillStation #StreetPhotography #EverydayLife #SouthIndia #Home #DocumentaryPhotography #Canon5DMarkIV #zostel #tamilculture #tamilnadutravel #visitindia #indiabloggers

Down on the River, Ziguinchor: The Global Crisis of Waterway Pollution

A typical scene from the waterways of Ziguinchor, Senegal, West Africa. Hand carved wooden canoes resting on the water, elegant white egrets perched gracefully, and, unfortunately, a shoreline scattered with discarded debris and plastic waste. This image encapsulates both the raw beauty of the natural world and the devastating impact of pollution on our waterways.

Traditional carved wooden boats, white egrets and a mound of pollution in a river in Senegal, West Africa.

Ziguinchor, Senegal: The Global Crisis of Waterway Pollution

A Journey Through Western Africa

This image was captured during my two-month journey through Western Africa, where I spent the majority of my time in Senegal, with a few weeks in The Gambia, where I captured my image of the four Vervet Monkeys posing like a boy band in the Bijilo Forest Park in Serrekunda. From the bustling streets of Dakar, and the awesome beaches on it’s peninsula, to the serene landscapes of the Casamance region, my travels revealed the vibrancy of local cultures but also highlighted the ongoing environmental struggles faced by many communities.

Ziguinchor, the largest city in the Casamance region, offers a fascinating glimpse into Senegalese life away from the tourist hotspots. The overnight ferry from Dakar is an experience in itself, providing travellers with a unique perspective of Senegal’s waterways and coastal environment. But as the ferry arrives in Ziguinchor, one can’t help but notice the plastic-strewn shores—an all-too-common sight throughout Africa and the rest of the world.

The Problem of Pollution

Plastic pollution is a growing crisis, particularly in developing nations where waste management systems struggle to keep up. The rivers and coastal areas of Senegal and The Gambia are no exception, with discarded plastics, fishing nets, and other waste accumulating in the waterways. These pollutants not only harm marine and bird life but also impact the livelihoods of local fishermen who rely on clean waters for their trade.

Nature’s Resilience: The Egrets of Ziguinchor

Amidst the environmental challenges, nature persists. The beautiful white birds in the image are Great Egrets (Ardea alba) and Little Egrets (Egretta garzetta). Their graceful presence on the wooden canoes adds an almost poetic contrast to the scene, a reminder of the delicate balance between wildlife and human impact. These birds are common in wetlands across West Africa, thriving despite the threats posed by pollution and habitat degradation.

Capturing the Moment: Camera Specs

For this image, I used my old camera, a Canon EOS 5D Mark II with my favourite 50mm f/1.4 USM lens. The settings used were ƒ/7.1, a shutter speed of 1/1000 sec with an ISO of 160. This combination allowed me to capture the rich textures of the wooden boats, the delicate details of the birds, and the unsettling presence of garbage floating along the riverbanks.

A Call to Action

Waterway pollution is not just a local issue; it’s a global crisis. As photographers, travellers, and citizens of the world, we must raise awareness and advocate for better waste management solutions. Governments, NGOs, and individuals all have a role to play in keeping our rivers and oceans clean for future generations.

Explore more of my work and support environmental awareness through visual storytelling:

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Let’s continue the conversation. What are your thoughts on waterway pollution? Have you witnessed similar issues during your travels? Drop me a message, or connect via my Instagram and let me know!


Day of the Dead at the Cementerio Nueva Esperanza in Lima

In 2015 I spent a fascinating day experiencing the Day of the Dead at Cementerio Nueva Esperanza in Lima, Peru.  This huge sprawling cemetery is the second largest in the World and on the 1st of November thousands of Peruvians visit to pay respect to their departed.  Very much a family affair, the Day of the Dead is a celebration of happiness and remembrance of the deceased as opposed to one of sadness.  A day where musicians play music to the dead, traditional Peruvian Dancers (Danza de las tijeras) perform, couples share beer by the graves and children embrace and play.  Click through the slideshow below to view the Día de Muertos images taken in Cementerio Nueva Esperanza in Lima, Peru:

Day of the Dead, also known as All Souls Day is a holiday celebrated in Mexico and other parts of Latin America on October 31st, November 1st, and November 2nd.  In Spanish, the Day of the Dead is called Día de Muertos, or Día de los Muertos.  Click through the carousel below for more images from the day of the dead in Lima:

A photo blog of the Mexican day of the dead can be found here.  More of my travel photos can be found on my website, my Facebook page and my Flickr account.  If you are interested in purchasing any prints, using an image online or would like further information please send me an email at:

Catalan Castells

A castell (Catalan pronunciation: [kəsˈteʎ]) is a human tower built traditionally in festivals at many locations within Catalonia. At these festivals, several colles castelleres (groups who construct towers) often succeed in building and dismantling a tower's structure.  

A castell is considered a success when assembly and disassembly can be done in complete succession. The assembly is complete once all castellers have climbed into their designated places, and the enxaneta climbs into place at the top and raises one hand with four fingers erect, in a gesture said to symbolize the stripes of the Catalan flag. The enxaneta then climbs down the other side of the castell, after which the remaining levels of castellers descend in highest to lowest order until all have reached safety. (Taken from Wikipedia)

A castell (Catalan pronunciation: [kəsˈteʎ]) is a human tower built traditionally in festivals at many locations within Catalonia

A castell (Catalan pronunciation: [kəsˈteʎ]) is a human tower built traditionally in festivals at many locations within Catalonia

This particular castell festival took place in the centre of Barcelona on the 18th June 2017 in Placa Sant Jaume.  It is a an amazing spectacle to watch, the strength and agility of those involved is impressive.  The atmosphere is very friendly and the emotions of those involved upon completion of a castell are highly visible.  Click through the images below of this Catalan tradition and the people involved.

More of my travel photography from Spain can be found on my website, my Instagram, and my Flickr account. If you are interested in purchasing any prints, using an image online or would like further information please send me an email at:

Geraint Rowland Photography by PhotoVoice

The March Photography Competition Winner is…

The third PhotoVoice photography competition, in partnership with Professional Photography magazine was inspired by an image from PhotoVoice project ‘MAMPU. Photographers were asked to submit up to six images inspired by the theme ‘Discovery’. Photographer and Photo-facilitator, Meredith Hutchison selected Geraint Rowland as the winner. 

How did you get started in Photography?

I bought a digital SLR camera around 8 years ago and decided to enroll on a photography course instead of tackling the user guide.  I completed two courses, ‘Introduction’ and ‘Advanced’ at the Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff.  Since then, I have been doing a lot of travelling and documenting my travels through photography.

How would you describe your work and your practice?

I consider myself a travel and street photographer.  I like catching candid moments in everyday life around the world.  I am also a lover of nature and enjoy taking photos of landscapes and the ocean.  I like to show the beauty that exists throughout the world.

Tell us a bit more about your winning image and the series that it is from

I took this image during the yearly pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady Guadalupe in Mexico City.  Millions of Mexicans make the pilgrimage each year on or before the 12th of December.

The pilgrimage is very much a family affair, the Mexicans often referring to the Lady of Guadalupe as Mamá or Mother.  

I took this photo around a week before the 12th when there was already a lot of activity at the holy site.  I was lucky to capture this candid and touching moment between mother and child during the celebrations.  The photo was captured on a Canon 5D2 with a 85mm lens, I converted it to black and white, which gave the image more emotion.

© Geraint Rowland, Familia

What do you think the future for your photography will be?

I think both social media and advances in technology mean that photography is increasing in popularity all the time.  The vast amount of information online means that the still image continues to play a vital role in catching peoples attention and telling a story.  Hopefully this will mean an increasing need for photos and photographers in general.  In the future I would love to work with some international charities, where my photography will have a direct impact on the world for the better.  I also want to continue travelling the world and documenting it’s beauty along the way, and if I can find some work which allows me to do this all the better.

Are there any other up and coming photographers that you think people should know about?

Yes, Linda Wisdom is a street photographer based in London.  Her black and white imagery is beautiful and she always seems to be in the right place and at the right time to capture the perfect moment.  She runs Street Photography Tours in London. Another is Aliette Bretel, a Peruvian photographer who now lives in Cambridge, she has a very unique and timeless selection of images.

How did you hear about PhotoVoice and how do you think your work relates our vision and mission?

I found out about PhotoVoice on Facebook, I was very interested in their commitment to supporting underrepresented communities through participatory photography.  I believe that my photography contributes to positive social change by inspiring and informing others about people and places they may not know about.

The photo and interview were published in the August/September edition of the Professional Photography Magazine.

Find out more about Geraint Rowland’s work here or visit his Facebook page here


Belen Market, Iquitos Peru (Photo Essay for the First Issue of Dezine Magazine)

These photos were taken earlier this year in the village of Belen in Iquitos, Peru.  The entire village is flooded for several months each year by the nearby Amazon river.  The only way to get around is by boat so even the children learn to navigate and paddle in small canoes from an early age.  

Two young girls paddle a canoe in the flooded village of Belen in Iquitos, Peru.

Two young girls paddle a canoe in the flooded village of Belen in Iquitos, Peru.

Our local guide manoeuvred us around in a motorboat for a couple of hours exploring the streets which at that time of the year become waterways.  The area is fascinating, and our journey through it gave us a brief insight into life there.

Around every corner were amazing photo opportunities, with the local people using the river to work, travel and play.  Children would sit selling food and produce to passing boats, Men would offer taxi boat services or fish, and the Women would wash the family clothes in the river.  Some 65,000 people live in the Village of Belen on either moored floating houses or houses on stilts.  It is a very poor neighbourhood with many of the people living in impoverished conditions. Yet those we encountered seemed genuinely happy: laughing, smiling, and greeting us as we passed by.  (Click through the images below)

I took all the photos candidly and found that converting them to black and white gave them more emotion.  For more information on Dezine go to: 

More of my travel photography from Peru can be found on my website, my Facebook, my Twitter and my Flickr account.  If you are interested in purchasing any prints, using an image online or would like further information please send me an email at: